THC Moves First Clients into Permanent Housing

During Transgender Awareness Week and Trans Day of Remembrance, we are excited to share that we have moved four clients into permanent housing!

First THC apartments.JPG

After months of scouring Atlanta for affordable apartments and landlords willing to work with us and our nearly 40 clients, we finally broke through! With the help of our board member and real estate advisor Feroza Syed, we moved four girls into permanent housing this last week! With your assistance, we were able to place the girls in fully-furnished apartments where they can continue building the lives they want to live.

Additionally, we are in the process of moving 10 girls into efficiency apartments. These one-bedroom, furnished apartments will provide a stable living environment as the girls work to move into permanent housing and access the resources they need to build sustainable futures.

For the remaining nearly two dozen trans folks we’re working with, we continue to cover the cost of emergency housing in hotels and rooming houses until we are able to secure reasonable temporary housing. Further, we are providing case management to all clients to assist those who are eligible in applying for local, state, and federal assistance programs, secure essential identification documents, mental health and medical treatment, and so much more.

This work would not be possible without your financial support and the tireless efforts of our case managers, Jayme Steger and Ricardo Hernandez.

As we plan for the future, we have not ruled out the possibility of purchasing property, having seen how difficult it is to find affordable, safe housing in the Atlanta metro area; a task only becoming more difficult as housing prices continue to rise.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to hit the ground running in June, however, as we navigate the 501(c)(3) application process, we are unable to apply for funding from public and private foundations.

We ask are asking the community to continue supporting our efforts to help chronically homeless trans people get off the streets and onto the lives they want to lead.

There are many ways to contribute:

Additionally, we hope that everyone takes a minute today to not only remember the 42 Trans women of color who were murdered this year in the US alone, but also to tangibly support a Trans person or trans-led organization so that we can prevent any more folks being lost to violence.

Check our Instagram story for the campaigns of other trans folks and orgs you can support.

In solidarity,

Trans Housing Coalition


THC girls + a few new faces at the first Emory x THC collaborative monthly series!


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